Content Marketing Strategy Key terms and concepts

Term Definition
Algorithm An algorithm is a mathematical, computational or statistical method pre-determined to take a number of variables into account and output a single, quantifiable result that is a function of all the variables. A good example of a commonly used algorithm is the one used by Google to determine which pages rank more highly on SERPs.
Content audit An examination and evaluation of the existing content which a brand publishes.
Editor A person who determines the ultimate content of a text, traditionally understood in the newspaper, magazine or publishing industry context.
Information architecture The way data and content are organised, structured and labelled to support usability.
Persona In this context, a character created to define a group of readers in order to speak to them as though they were a unique reader. Usually a hypothetical character created to represent and personify a set of traits.
Usability A measure of how easy a system is to use. Sites with excellent usability fare far better than those that are difficult to use.