Principles of creating content

There are three key points you should consider here.

1. Structure

Content needs to be written so that users can find the information they need as quickly as possible. The chapter on Writing for Digital will cover this in more detail. Copy can be made more easily readable by:

•  Highlighting or bolding key phrases and words
•  Using bulleted lists
•  Using paragraphs to break up information
•  Using descriptive and distinct headings.

2. Hierarchy

On the page, use an inverted pyramid style for your copy. The important information should be at the top of the page, to make for easy scanning. The heading comes first, the largest and boldest type on the page. The subheading or blurb follows this, and then the content is presented in a descending scale of importance.

3. Relevance

Above all, the content on the page must be relevant to the user and the purpose of the page itself. If a user clicks to read about a product but ends up on a page with content about the company, their experience is going to be tarnished.