Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Key terms and concepts

Term Definition
Customer A person who buys or uses goods or services, with whom a company should develop a relationship.
Customer-centric Placing the customer at the centre of an organisation’s business planning and execution.
Customer-driven Allowing and encouraging customers drive the direction of a business.
Customer lifetime value (CLV) The profitability of a customer over their entire relationship with the business.
Customer relationship management (CRM) A strategy for managing a company’s relationships with clients and potential clients. It often makes use of technology to automate the sales, marketing, customer service and technical processes of an organisation.
Data Statistics and facts collected for analysis.
Data mining The process of analysing data to discover unknown patterns or connections.
Key performance indicator (KPI) A metric that shows whether an objective is being achieved.
Metric A defined unit of measurement.
Model A strategic visual representation of a process that a company adheres to.
Prospect A potential customer.
Stakeholder A person or organisation with an interest in how a resource is managed.