The parts of a link

Here is the HTML code for a link:

<a href=“”>Anchor Text</a>

•  <a href> and </a> are HTML tags that show where the link starts and ends.
• is the page that the link leads to. You should make sure that you are linking to a relevant page in your site, and not just to the home page.
•  Anchor Text is the visible text that forms the link. This is the text that should contain the key phrase you are targeting.

The link sends a signal that the target URL is important for the subject used in the anchor text.

There is a lot more information that can be included in this anatomy, such as instructions telling the search engine not to follow the link, or instructions to the browser on whether the link should open in a new window or not.

<a href=“” rel=“nofollow”>Anchor Text</a>

•  rel=“nofollow” can be included in links when you don’t want to vouch for the target URL. Search engines do not count nofollow links for ranking purposes. This was introduced by Google to try to combat comment spam.