The structure of online copy can be compared closely to the structure of a newspaper article. The headline, usually containing the most important bit of information in a story, comes first. Online, visitors need to decide quickly whether or not to read a page. As a result of this, the most important information needs to be at the top.
Start with the summary or conclusion – the main idea of the article.
While clever word play in headings can attract some attention, these need to be written in line with the objective you want to achieve. The copy is multitasking: not only is it informing visitors of what to expect; it is also telling search engine spiders what the page is about.
Start with the summary or conclusion – the main idea of the article.
While clever word play in headings can attract some attention, these need to be written in line with the objective you want to achieve. The copy is multitasking: not only is it informing visitors of what to expect; it is also telling search engine spiders what the page is about.